«Native English»
родной английский

Robinson Crusoe.

Books about voyages and new discoveries were very popular in the first quater of the 18'th centure and many stories of this then had been written but while Defoe was busy with politics he didn't think of also trying his hand at it. However one story in in Steel magasine attracted his attention.

It was about Scotish sailor, who lived quite alone 4 years and 4 month on a desert island. Defoe's hero, R.C., however spend 26 years on a desert island. The novel was a prase tohuman labour and the triumph the men over the nature. Labour and fortitude help Robinson to endure hardships. They save him from dispair. The very process of hardwork gives his satisfaction. R's most characteristic tract is his optimism. His guiding prencipal in life was: "never said die" and "in trouble to be troubles is to have your trouble double."

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