The United States Of America.
1. Geographical position and phisical teatures:
The USA occupy a large territory and are situated in the sentral and southen part of north America. The USA is washed by the Atlantic ocean in the east and by the Pasific ocean in the west. In the north, the USA is borders on Canada and in the south on Mexico.
2. Climate:
Mountain rangres coss the country from north to south and don't protect it from the north and warm ear from the south. The USA has a continental climate.
3.Riches of the USA:
Large reserves of oil, coal, iron and other minerals from solid Baise from development of america industry.
The USA is divited into free arias:Esten area a highland,central area a plain and Western area wich is Mountains and includes the Rocky Mountains and the Sierria Nevada.
5. Lakes
There are five great lakes in the northen part of the USA.There are: Huren, Michigan, Supireo, Onterio, Erie. There are connected by channeis cut by rapids one of them the Neagara Folls.
6. Rivers
The Missisipy together with the Missury is the longast river in the world. The rivers of the west are unsutible for navigation.The larges of them are Colombia and Colorado rivers.
PART 2 National Economy.
The USA is a hardly developed capitalitic country.Heavy industry prevails in the USA,including such brauches as the mining , metalurgical,engineering out chemical industes.Being well developed light industry includes,textile, leather and footwear industries.The food industry is also well developed.
As agriculture bouth animal husbeudry and arally farming are prominent in the economy of the USA.